Regular Registration: January 22nd through February 21st, 2024 Student Registration Fee: $50.00 Advisor Registration Fee: $30.00 Late Fee(Applied February 22nd through February 29th): $10.00 Additional Contest Fees may apply
We will be using Remind to push out notifications about contest updates. We are asking only advisors at this time to sign up for alerts from Remind. Please text the codes below to join the cluster your contests are assigned to. Text the following code to 81010. General Conference Notifications: @2024ULSC Architecture & Construction: @UTARCHCON Audio/Visual Technology: @UTAVTECH Communications & Leadership: @UTCOMLEAD Health Science, Law & Public Safety: @UTHSLPS Hospitality & Tourism: @UTHOSP Human Services: @UTHUMSERV Information Technology: @UTINFOTECH Manufacturing: @UTMANUF Transportation &Logistics: @UTTRANSP
Not sure what cluster you belong to? Check our Master Status Sheet to find out:
The Scorecards used at ULSC this year (2024) may differ slightly from the Scorecards in 2022, due to logistics, available equipment, etc. but we strive to align our State Contests as closely as possible to the National Contests.
How to access technical standards
PLEASE follow the Virtual Technical Standards for each contest.
We cannot stress this enough. The judges follow the Technical Standards as close as possible when scoring to best prepare students for Nationals.
SkillsUSA has made changes to some of the Technical Standards from Previous years. Be sure to download the CURRENT technical standards. Instructions for where to locate them are available through SkillsUSA Absorb.
Advisors must be registered as a Professional Member of SkillsUSA to have access to the technical standards.
The SkillsUSA Professional Development Test for competitors will be conducted pre-conference via the SkillsUSA Online Testing Platform. All high school and college/postsecondary competitors are required to complete the SkillsUSA Professional Development Test, except for those entered in Action Skills, Building Maintenance, Community Action Project, and Employment Application Process. As a reminder, all middle school competitors are exempt from the national online resume and SkillsUSA Professional Development Test.