1- Reminder to have students complete the online SkillsUSA Knowledge Test.
2- Clothing SkillsUSA White Polo with black pants/skirts. Pre-Conference Meeting March 23rd 5:30 SLCC South City Campus / 1575 So. State St. SLC / South City Main Bldg. (SCM) 2-098 or Via Zoom Topic: SkillsUSA State Pre-Conference Meeting Time: Mar 23, 2023 05:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://uetn-org.zoom.us/j/88677764184 Meeting ID: 886 7776 4184 Agenda Turn in Resume Take HTML/CSS Test - National Test on the online system. Website Problem Link to last 2022 problem- I suggest you have your team use this as a practice using the 4 hour time limit. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fl1d-_zy6_-AeRLAw-eJgbmJQkbiKiqmYDOOuEnI1hE/edit?usp=sharing Following the meeting teams should create the mock-up/wireframe for the website build. Media will be available for teams to edit. No coding can be done prior to 8am. Contest starts at 8 am in the same location. Websites need to be turned in by 12pm. Interviews will start at 12:30 pm
March 2023