Mandatory Pre-contest meeting: March 25th 7:30 AM at the Taylorsville Redwood SLCC Campus, Rampton Technology Building, Room 301B.
Bring a copy of your resume to the Pre-contest meeting, Failure to do so will result in a 10-point penalty. Remember to wear approved contest attire. CLOTHING REQUIREMENTS Class E: Contest Specific — Business Casual
SLCC has Autodesk applications installed for technical drafting. Let me know by March 20th if your contestant will require SolidWorks to be installed on a computer for their use during this competition. If you have questions, contact Education Team Chair: Jonathan Allred at 1-801-863-5680 or [email protected]
Mandatory Pre-contest meeting: March 24th 5:30 PM at SLCC Trades Building (CT-190). Bring your toolbox. SLCC will lock all boxes in a storage room. Please do not bring unauthorized tools—no straight edge, for example). You will lose points.
Bring a copy of your resume to the Pre-contest meeting Skills contest: March 25th 7:30 AM SHARP. Contestants need to be there at 7:00 AM to help unload the lumber for the contest. If you have questions, contact Education Team Chair: Mike Florence 1-435-833-1900 EXT 1173 or [email protected] Tool List*** New Item to add - roll of packaging tape
Teams accepted to compete:
Update to common Questions: 10 AM Thursday orientation Iron Workers Training center off the route 201 First group noon(12pm) to 4pm on Thursday. Second group 8am to noon (12pm) on Friday Only supplied grinders disc to be used. Only supplied abrasives disc to be used. No battery powered tools except drill. Drill bit sizes 11/32” & 5/16” 14ga 1”x2” tubing is acceptable - Bare Metal Finish this means the metal will be Pickled and Oiled Suppliers that have stock - Reliance metals, Triple S steel, Boman & Kemp Chop saw blade is 3/32” 2 page print. (Overview) 1 page essay you choose font/spacing. Use what you need to do the essay. PURPOSE To evaluate each contestant’s preparation for employment and to recognize outstanding students for excellence and professionalism in the field of welding fabrication. PROJECTA-frame for tools The Welding Fabrication competition for Utah Skills USA will be in person this year. The project will help better the National Skills USA and will be on display at all future Natl. welding fabrication competitions. Each team shall build the same project as set forth in the prints given on the day of competition. Being that this project will be seen and used by the Natl. contest extra scrutiny will be paid to fit and finish. As always welds need to be judged prior to grinding. The project drawing will be provided the day of the competition. However, teams shall submit a set of drawings of a project they would like to build in a future competition. Also, a single page essay shall be submitted to the welding fabrication committee (see requirements below). The teams shall cut materials to size per bill of materials. It must be in as-milled condition. Teams shall bring the parts cut to the size and labeled as specified in the bill of materials to orientation. Team Project Outcomes:
Teams Deliverables: 75pts
SkillsUSA Committee Members: Rex Hardman 1-435-229-8968 Nate Stagg Hunter Torman ESSAY AND DRAWINGSThe team essay topic is: As a welder looking for employment, what are you looking for in an employer and why? (1-page total per team) Submit drawings: Each team shall prepare a drawing of a project they would like to build in a future welding fabrication competition. (Submit drawing in PDF format sized for 11” x 17” paper via email to Rex Hardman) The drawings and essay shall be submitted via email by end of day March 11th, 2022. Essay and drawings shall be emailed to Rex Hardman at the above address. If delivery confirmation is not received, please re-submit your material. There is a limit of 20 teams total for this competition (due to space constraints). The drawings and essay will be graded and scored to determine the top 20 teams that will compete. DRAWINGS (Print)Prints shall be emailed to the committee chair no later than end of day March 11th 2022. Be sure to put your school’s name in the subject line of the email. Please format drawings for 11”x 17” paper. Make sure file is not too large to email. Send drawings as PDF if using Soildworks or AutoCAD. GENERAL RULES
Lunch will be provided for the contestants on their day of competition. Note: You will need to bring your parts cut per bill of materials to orientation. PURPOSETo evaluate each contestant’s preparation for employment and to recognize outstanding students for excellence and professionalism in the field of welding fabrication. CLOTHING REQUIREMENTOfficial SkillsUSA khaki work shirt and pants, leather work boots/shoes, and safety glasses with side shields or goggles. (Prescription glasses can be used only if they are equipped with side shields. If not, they must be covered with goggles.) To purchase official work clothes, contact Midwest Trophy Manufacturing Co. Inc. by calling 1-800-324-5996 or order online at Note: Contestants must wear their official contest clothing and work boots/shoes to the contest orientation meeting. Leather boots/shoes must be worn during competition. ELIGIBILITYContest is open to active SkillsUSA members enrolled in programs with welding as the occupational objective. This is a team event. Each team shall be comprised of three student members from the same school and training program. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS:1. Supplied by the technical committee: · All necessary welding equipment/filler material (welding machines, plasma cutter, chop saw) Filler Material- ER70S-6 (.030”) GMAW/ ER70S-2 (3/32”) GTAW Welding Equipment to be determined and provided by Miller Electric Mfg. LLC. Allowed and Supplied by contestants. ·Welper style pliers . Hearing and/or ear protection · Steel from Bill of Material (See attached) · Safety glasses with side shields (Z87 approved) · Welding and cutting gloves · Welding helmet with appropriate filter plate/lens and protective cover plate/lens in a flip or slide front. Auto darkening shields are permissible. · Spare spatter and filter lenses · Welding helmet and/or oxyacetylene/plasma cutting goggles · Pocket calculator · Lead pencil and/or ballpoint pen · Soap stone with holder · Scribe with magnet · Combination square set/framing square · Fillet weld gauge · Speed square/protractor (any device to find/measure angles) · Tape measure · Straight edge · Hammer · Vise grips · C grips/clamps · Channel locks · Crescent wrench · Protractor or angle finder · Angle bevel · Files- any size or shape · 50’power cord (120 V Industrial power cord 12GA) · 4 1/2” grinder with wheels (Grinding/flapper wheels allowed) · Clear face shields (for grinding and buffing) · Center punches · Chipping hammer with or without wire brush · Wire brushes · Knee pads Level Drill bit sizes 11/32” & 5/16” SCOPE OF THE CONTESTIndustry standards define the scope of the contest. All drawings, welding symbols, and welding terms shall conform to the latest edition of the American Welding Society (AWS) standards. The contest will include assessments of the practical knowledge of welding including safety, measurement, and blueprint reading. Other common fabrication operations will also be assessed, such as assembly sequence, cutting operations (saws/plasma cutting), drilling, grinding, material handling and other common preparation work prior to fabrication. COMMITTEE IDENTIFIED ACADEMIC SKILLSThe technical committee has identified that the following academic skills are embedded in this contest.
• Use fractions to solve practical problems. • Measure angles • Construct three-dimensional models Science Skills • Use knowledge of principles of electricity and Magnetism and Fusion. CONTEST GUIDLINES 1. Contestants must correctly use the welding equipment during the contest. The contest chairperson and contest coordinator may stop a contestant at any section of the contest if they deem a contestant’s manner to be hazardous to either themselves or others. Such a violation shall disqualify the participant for that section of the contest. If the contestant is warned a second time, he or she will be disqualified as a contest participant. 2. While the contest is in progress, there shall be no communication between the contestants instructors, other teams, or anyone else, except as directed by a judge, contest coordinator, or contest chair. It is expected that team members will communicate to each other. 3. Time limits will be established on the contest (4 hours). 4. Welding and cutting operation instructions will be specified in drawings. 5. Welding equipment used in the contest may be obtained from a variety of manufacturers and may include transformers, rectifiers, and/or inverters. 6. Filler metals will be compatible with the metals being welded and will be detailed on the contest procedure sheet. Instructions to the contestants will define more specifically the filler metals that may be used. 7. Welds will be evaluated visually utilizing a rating system as established by the SkillsUSA Technical Committee. Nondestructive and/or destructive tests may be used to complete the project evaluation. 8. Final judging of the welded projects will be evaluated per the difficulty of the assigned task and by utilizing the following visual inspection criteria: dimensional accuracy including distortion and conformity to drawing requirements. Item 1 - Date, Time and Location
The 2022 Utah Skills CNC Machining Skill Championships will be held Friday, March 25, 2022 at Ogden Weber Tech College in the MT100 Building 7:20 am-1:00pm (lunch will be provided). There will be a contest meeting on Friday morning at 7:20 am. at MT107 OTech Main Campus Each contestant is to have a copy of their Personal Resume with them at the contest site. The resume is to be given to the contest chairman at the morning meeting prior to the start of the contest meeting. No contestant will be allowed to leave the contest area without a judge present with them. All contestants must display badges on chest while at OTech and the use of a cell phone is not allowed during any part of the contests or they will be disqualified. Item 2 – Transportation Transportation to and from the contest site will be provided on your own. Item 3 - Lunch Lunch will be provided by the Haas Foundation for all contestants and advisors. Item 4-Clothing Requirements Skill contestants will be penalized for not adhering to national clothing requirements. Jewelry including rings and watches are not allowed during the contest. Cell phones are not allowed to be used or seen during the contest time. Contestants may not wear clothing that has school identification visible to the judges. Proper clothing includes name badges placed on chest left hand pocket area with the contestant number facing out Item 5 - Awards Ceremony Contest winners will be recognized during the Awards Assembly at 6:00 p.m. on Friday March 25, 2022 at the Salt Lake Community College Convention Center Arena. OFFICIAL Skills USA ATTIRE IS REQUIRED! Any contest winner who is not in official Skills USA attire will not be permitted on stage. The student will be escorted behind the stage to receive his or her medallion and awards. The awards ceremony is the "Showplace" of our state conference, and many industry guests and VIP's are invited to present medallions and honor our students. Item 6 – Judges The Business and Industry Technical Committee (Northern Utah NTMA Chapter) will be organizing and judging the contest. Item 7 - Industry Awards Once again, your assistance is needed to obtain industry awards for the CNC contest winners. If any instructor can bring extra prizes it will help. If you are able to secure any industry awards they should be labeled with the name and address of the award supplier and bring to the contest area on Friday March 25, 2022. All awards and Industry Award/Donation Forms are needed by 12:00 p.m. on Friday so that industry awards can be appropriately processed. Item 8-Rules and Regulations From this Competition, we will select one secondary student and one postsecondary in each contest to represent Utah at the Skills USA Championships. Therefore, we will follow the national rules, regulations, and the contest content as closely as possible (2022 national will have Cad/Cam but is not part of the scoring so the Utah Technical Team has decided not to have that portion of the contest until it is scored). We want our team members to be as prepared to compete at the national level. Item 9 - Tools and Supplies Tool list and information: Each contestant will be required to bring some tools. Contestants need the tools listed below. Each contestant will need to bring there own tools on the list. Sharing tools will not be allowed. CNC Technician Tools/Equipment
CNC Milling Specialist Tools/Equipment
CNC Turning Specialist Tools/Equipment
For safety reasons side shields and safety glasses are required. Major violations will deem automatic disqualification at judges discretion. Item 11– Equipment For safety of the equipment you will be using. Please make sure you use the correct work holding devices. Failure to do so could result in removal from that contest area. Item 12- Creation of CNC Program Contestants will create alphanumeric (CNC code) program for One lathe part and one mill part if competing in the Technician category; lathe only or mill only for the specialists. Program must include: 1) Tools given by the drawing model, material type and part name on the heading. Offset numbers with tools are encouraged. 2) A program number, tool changes, coolants on and off, feeds and speeds, spindle on and off and cutter compensation are a must. 3) The parts are easy enough that a simple calculator will suffice. Scoring will be judged according to the efficiency of the program, ease to read it, use of cutter comp, high speed machining when possible and the approach to machining the part. Once programs are created and double checked by the contestant, Turn in to appropriate judge. Item 13- Interview Details All contestants must have turned in a job resume at least by March 21st, via email to the technical chairman. [email protected] Interviews will be done in 20-minute increments that will be assigned randomly as the parts are being tested on the machines. Scoring will be done by a professional with extensive HR background. Points will be awarded based on personality, hire ability, readiness to enter workforce, perceived skill set and enthusiasm. Contest Descriptions CNC Milling Specialist The purpose of this contest is to evaluate each contestant’s preparation for employment in Computer Numeric Control Milling. In addition, recognize outstanding students for excellence and professionalism. This contest will assess the ability to write CNC milling programs, interpret prints (including GDT), and measure/gage parts. Participants will also demonstrate theoretical knowledge of CNC machine configuration, setup and operations. CNC Turning Specialist The purpose of this contest is to evaluate each contestant’s preparation for employment in Computer Numeric Control Turning. In addition, recognize outstanding students for excellence and professionalism. This contest will assess the ability to write CNC turning programs, interpret prints (including GDT), and measure/gage parts. Participants will also demonstrate theoretical knowledge of CNC machine configuration, setup and operations. CNC Technician The purpose of this contest is to evaluate each contestant’s preparation for employment in Computer Numeric Control Turning and Milling. In addition, recognize outstanding students for excellence and professionalism. Educational Team Chairperson: Bret Holmes Email: [email protected] Phone: 801-395-3795 Tech Team Chairperson: Art Santana (Northern Utah National Tooling and Machining Association member) Email: [email protected] Phone: 801-886-2755 SKILLSUSA UTAH STATE COMPETITION - WOODTURNING - 2022 SEPT. 23, 2021 PURPOSE To evaluate each contestant’s preparation for employment and to recognize outstanding students for excellence and professionalism in the field of woodturning. ELIGIBILITY Open to active SkillsUSA members enrolled in career and technical woodworking programs, a woodworking occupational objective. CLOTHING REQUIREMENTS Class E: Contest specific — Business Casual
Note: Contestants must wear their official contest clothing to the contest orientation. These regulations refer to clothing items that are pictured and described at: If you have questions about clothing or other logo items, call 1-888-501-2183. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Supplied by the technical committee: 1. All necessary information for the judges and technical committee. 2. One 4-foot table, chairs. Supplied by the contestant: 1. All contestants must create a one-page resume and submit the resume as part of their Contestant Notebook. 2. Student designed and produced turned wood project. 3. The Contestant Notebook will serve as professional portfolio (see description below). SCOPE OF THE CONTEST The contest consists of three parts:
KNOWLEDGE PERFORMANCE There will be a skill-related written test to evaluate the contestant’s knowledge of basic concepts. Test questions will be taken from the American Association of Woodturners (AAW) publication FUNdamentals Overview and will emphasize safety, lathe parts and accessories, turning tools, and tool use. (Link to be provided.) SKILL PERFORMANCE The contest is designed to assess the ability of the contestant to design and produce a quality woodturning as well as answer questions in a brief interview related to all aspects of her or his creation, including the design of their piece. CONTEST GUIDELINES Woodturning Design and Workmanship 1. Materials used must be primarily wood, (the inclusion of other materials is acceptable). 2. The woodturning project must be an original creative work of the contestant. 3. All copyright laws must be followed in the creation of the design. Contestant Notebook A three-ring binder must be placed with the woodturning project prior to judging. It must contain pictures and supporting evidence of the project including: a) photos of processes used in designing and making the project b) photos of the finished project c) sketches, drawings, templates or patterns used to develop the design d) a list of the contestant’s expended time in each component of the process e) an itemized list of all expenses with receipts f) a resume. 1. The first page of the Contestant Notebook must be a table of contents that refers to tabbed sections within the notebook. The notebook must include a letter from a school administrator certifying that the woodturning project was designed and constructed by the contestant, and that it is the same project used throughout the SkillsUSA competition. (In 2022, there will only be a state competition, there will not be any regional or national woodturning competitions). The letter must identify the school, city, state, and the local advisor. The letter must identify the contestant to be interviewed and the division (high school). The letter must be signed by the school administrator. 2. An electronic copy of photos of the finished project must be provided at orientation on a USB drive. These photos must be publication quality showing the work photographed by itself on a gray or white background. USB drives will be returned to students during the contest. JUDGING CRITERIA (Items evaluated and possible points, 1000 points total) 1-Woodturning Project - Design (300 pts) 1a-Design - line, form, proportions (125pts) 1b-Design - creativity, originality, appropriate use of materials (125 pts) 1c-All sides (inside and out) are appropriately designed and finished, and the mounting method is not obvious or does not detract (50 pts) 2-Woodturning Project - Quality of Work / Craftsmanship (350 pts) 2a-Quality of cut - crisp/clean details (100 pts) 2b-Quality of sanding--no visible torn grain, dents, sanding lines, etc. Details not sanded away. (50 pts) 2c-Quality of finish--consistent in gloss, appropriate for intended use. (50 pts) 2d-Level of difficulty and/or complexity (100 pts) 2d-Overall quality of craftsmanship (50 pts) 3-Contestant Notebook (200 pts) 3a-Table of Contents listing tabbed sections (must be the 1st page of the notebook) (20 pts) 3b-Description of project, processes used, and concepts learned (20 pts) 3c-Verification letter (30 pts total) -on school letterhead, signed by school administrator (10 pts) -verification that the contestant designed and made the woodturning (10 pts) -ID school, city, state, advisor (10 pts) 3d-Photos of the design and making process (20 pts) 3e-publication quality photos of the finished item (project is photographed by itself on a gray or white background) (30 pts) 3f-Sketches, drawings, templates or patterns developed in the of process of designing the project (20 pts) 3g-List of approximate time spent in each process and total time to design and make the project (20 pts) 3h-Itemized list of expenses with receipts (10 pts) 3i-Resume (30 pts) Interview (100 pts) 4a-Greeting and closing (10 pts) 4b-Eye contact with the judges (10 pts) 4c-Knowledge of the project (20 pts) 4d-Complete answers (20 pts) 4e-Level of detail (10 pts) 4f-Professionalism (20 pts) 4g-Employability (10 pts) Written Test (50 pts) 5a-Safety 5b-Parts and accessories of lathe 5c-Woodturning tools and tool use Possible Deductions Contestant not wearing official SkillsUSA dress (50 pts) ADDITIONAL NOTES: 1. The following is not permitted: • Fractal burning. • Use of CNC or duplicator processes. • Painted finishes (unless the design requires, such as a painted matryoshka doll). • Unfinished projects (unless the design requires). 2. A piece of furniture with significant turned parts is permitted. ![]()
March 2023